The best alternative to fencing for all animal species

The electric fence

Electric fences are suitable for containing or deterring just about all kinds of animal. The fences differ only in their height, the number of wires and partly in the fence material. Whether the fence is to be an outer fence or a subdivision also plays a role. On these pages you will find the information on outer fence construction with respect to the quantity and height of wires for the most important types of animal. For inner fences the heights can be selected as some 10 to 15 cm less, and one wire fewer can possibly be used. We will be pleased to advise you on any containment fencing questions.

Containing or excluding animals

As matter of principle in the application of electric fences, we need to decide whether the animals that need to be controlled are to be contained by the fence or excluded by it.
In principle, containing animals is easier than excluding them. Animals that are contained, quickly get used to the fence and can be relied upon to respect it. In excluding animals, we have to consider that animals approaching the fence have no previous experience of it. In this case we need to ensure that initially the animal receives a strong and memorable electric shock, and adjusts itself by giving the electric fence the necessary respect. Thus for exclusion fences, only especially powerful energisers should be used.

Fence animals


Electric fences for cows are 0.85 to 1.05 m high with 1 to 2 wires.

Beef + Dairy Cattle

Electric fences for beef and dairy cattle are 0.85 to 1.05 m high with 2 to 3 wires.

Small Horses
Electric fences for small horses and ponies are 1.05 to 1.30 m high with 2 to 3 wires.
Large Horses

Electric fences for large horses are 1.30 to 1.60 m high with 2 to 3 conducting wires.


Electric fences for sheep are 0.90 to 1.05 m high with 4 to 5 wires.


Electric fences for goats are 1.05 to 1.20 m high with 4 to 6 wires.


Electric fences for pigs are 0.50 to 0.75 m high with 2 to 3 wires. Outer fences for domestic pigs should have a second fence to protect against wild animals!


Electric fences for poultry are according to their flying ability 0.60 to 0.90 m (even to 1.20 m) high with 5 to 7 wires.

Cats + Dogs

Electric fences for cats and dogs are 0.55 to 0.85 m high with 2 to 4 wires.

Fence out animals

Excluding wild boar

Electric fences for protecting against wild boars are 0.55 to 0.75 m high with 2 to 3 wires.

Excluding wolves

Electric fences for protecting against wolves are up to 1.20 m high with 4 to 5 wires.

Excluding red deer

Electric fences for protecting against red deer are up to 1.50 m high with 5 wires.

Excluding brown bears

Electric fences for protecting against brown bears are approx. 1.20 m high with 5 wires. The distance between the lowest wire and the ground should be max. 20 cm. The distance between the wires is 25 cm.

Excluding otters

Electric fences for protecting against otters are 0.4 m high with 4 wires.

Excluding herons

Electric fences for protecting against herons are approx. 0.75 m high with 2 to 3 wires. On a shallow shoreline the fence should be canted towards the water surface.

Excluding martens and raccoons
Electric fences for protecting against martens and raccoons consist of at least 2 wires that are placed close to each other and are connected alternately to the plus- and minus-pole of the device.
Excluding rabbits

Electric fences for protecting against rabbits are approx. 0.55 m high with 3 wires. With rabbits, in order to prevent them digging under the fence, it may be necessary to lay an earthed wire directly on the ground. The fence should be slightly canted towards the animals. It is recommended to use the Crop Protection Netting with a height of 0.65 m and a small mesh size as an electric fence net.