Our product innovations

With the new PATURA fence calculator, you can easily determine the device that is specifically tailored to your needs. Enter the most important parameters, such as power source, animal type, fence length and vegetation thickness, and you will receive the optimal device recommendation with detailed technical information on the selected device.
PATURA - Your professional partner for animal friendly husbandry
We are your professional partner for animal friendly husbandry in the stable and on the pasture!
Our wide range of electric fencing products extends from energisers to posts and insulators as well as fence systems for cattle, horses and sheep.
The stable and pasture equipment areas can be divided into several large categories:
The barn equipment includes dividers, gates, feed fronts but also cubicle dividers and cattle brushes as well as many accessories for calf housing.
Feeding systems include everything to do with feeding on the pasture or in the barn: rectangular or round feeders, troughs and small racks made of plastic or stainless steel as well as feed saving nets.
The livestock watering systems offer a wide range of different watering systems - for stables and pastures - for horses, cattle, dairy cows, sheep and goats.
PATURA panels are tried and tested and are available in many different designs and sizes - for numerous animal species and many different applications.
Our handling systems enable safe and efficient work with cattle and sheep. The systems are mobile and can be individually customised.
Our range of weighing systems enables the safe recording of animal weights in small and large herds. Simple technology makes it easy to store individual weights, while the Profi series indicator stores numerous other features in addition to animal weight and identification number. We will be happy to advise you!
Our extensive range of wind protection systems ensures natural ventilation conditions in your stables. While fresh air and light enter the building, wind, wind draughts and rain are kept outside - ideal for the health and hygiene of your animals!